A downloadable programming language for Windows

do you hate:

  • subroutines?
  • object oriented objects?
  • sustainable code?

look no further, with everyones least favourite programming language gotosan!

gotosan is the compiled successor to gotochan that translates your code to c#, making it run much faster. benchmark for 5,000,000 iterations (seconds):

gotochan: 2.413  |  gotosan: 0.398

lets make a hello world program!

param = ~Hello~World!
goto say

now lets try a countdown!

counter = 10
param = ~countdown:~
param += counter
param += ~\n
goto say
counteriszero = counter == 0
param = 0.5
goto wait
counter -= 1
goto +2 if counteriszero
goto -9
param = ~blast~off!
goto say

simple, right?

all you need to know this language are: goto, backto, label.

if you ever need help, look at the documentation!



gotosan v1.0.2.zip 3.2 MB
gotosan v1.0.2 documentation.pdf 199 kB
source code

Development log

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